Fibreglass is inexpensive and construction of fibreglass boats does not necessarily require a highly trained craftsman to build with it. as they are built from moulds.
Fibreglass material is simply saturated with epoxies either sprayed or laid within the mould and left to dry. A “high quality” fibreglass boat simply uses more fibreglass to make a stronger boat.
Thick, marine-grade aluminium alloy boats have traditionally been too expensive to build for the average consumer, Each quality aluminium boat (and we are not talking about the cheap, thin Skinned riveted boats) had to be cut by hand, staged and welded by experienced craftsmen, In a real sense, each aluminium boat was a custom boat with a hefty price tag. For example, a 20-foot aluminium boat with a centre console could easily run upwards of {£30,000)
Fibreglass is a cheap alternative
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